Biggest translation and interpretation conference organisers

Who doesn’t like to visit a conference once in a while, especially when you can go there as it relates to your work?

There are a few great organisers of translation and interpretation conferences.

It takes some effort to go to such an event because usually, you need to register, pay the fee, and meet costs for traveling, sometimes even travel abroad. So, why should you visit one?

This is why. You will:

  • meet peers, language service providers, possible clients, and other professionals in the business
  • expand your network with new contacts
  • engage in a collaborative environment
  • engage in discussions about the challenges of the industry
  • have an opportunity to contribute by offering innovative services
  • learn
  • get the latest updates.

Listed here are some upcoming conferences, including the links so you can check and register or plan your agenda for next year.

Last, but not least, I would like to mention a new upcoming symposium on videoconference and remote interpreting:

Happy planning!