On a working day, we spend a lot of time behind the computer. Sometimes it is nice to give your eyes a rest and just listen to an audio piece related to your field of interest while working, exercising in the gym, or driving your car.
Here are a few podcasts you might want to check out:
- Podcasts of the European Commission give insights into the interpreter’s world, offering advice, tips, and interviews: http://dginterpretation.podbean.com
- Not really new releases from Proz, but these are interesting interviews with people working in the T&I industry: http://prozcomblog.com/podcasts/
- Not to be missed, these podcasts are hosted by Eve Bodeux and Corinne McKay, with free recordings, conference calls, and seminars: http://speakingoftranslation.com
From the Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford, where you will find information on various medicines, treatments, and medical research studies: www.podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series/translational-medicine
The following site gives information on how to become a medical interpreter: www.certifiedmedicalinterpreters.org/podcasts
Interested in learning a new language or improving your language skills? The following three podcasts are about language learning.
- iTunes offers a lot of language courses: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/genre/podcasts-education-language-learning/id1498
- LanguagePod101 provides a variety of courses for beginners and seasoned speakers: http://languagepod101.com
- This site is useful if you aspire to learn Mandarin: http://www.melnyks.com